Yin/Yang Energy

Annette Rugolo
2 min readFeb 18, 2021

Yin energy is right brain, creative, introspective.

Yang energy is left brain, planning, rational, extrospective.

Collectively, what we’re feeling with the pandemic is the pull of the Yin energy telling us to go within and reflect on ourselves, our lives, our values.

For many of us this can cause an uneasy feeling as we are so used to being in the Yang element, which is the masculine energy. The left brain is masculine — planning, goal setting, considering options, informing the self and the world.

While the Yin energy is more reflective energy. Yin does not inform the world, it comes from within and informs us. By going deeper in the world of Yin energy, we are collectively taking a breath, getting our bearings, and becoming better balanced by having Yin and Yang work together.

How do you relax into the situation and allow the Yin energy to be dominate? Being creative is one of the best ways to do this. By utilizing the right brain, you balance the goal-oriented left brain with relaxing activities — coloring, painting creating mandalas, being in nature with no agenda.

The duality of life insists that both light and dark, feminine and masculine be present, but when one dominates the other then imbalance arises. The world has existed in the masculine forces for a long time and the emergence of the feminine is causing some unrest and uneasiness as we allow both to find their proper footing.

How are you using this time to be still and go inward?

I share what I do in this YouTube video from April 13, 2020, where I first spoke about this on a Facebook Live recording.



Annette Rugolo

International Author, Master Teacher in Dowsing and Meditation, Public Speaker, Soul Guide. For more details, please visit www.annetterugolo.com